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This combination is outstandingly powerful during early Hardmode, especially against large enemies and bosses like the mechanical bosses, most notably The Destroyer (although there are slightly more powerful alternatives – see Guide:The Destroyer strategies).

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The Daedalus Stormbow synergizes tremendously well with Holy Arrows as each arrow fired will summon two stars.It is therefore best used in wide open areas, especially at the surface, rather than in confined areas. Arrows shot with the Daedalus Stormbow have a tendency to impact and be blocked by terrain or other objects above the target (much like the Starfury).On the Console version, the bow will point upwards instead of towards the cursor.The lack of universality that comes with Stormbow’s ability to fire any type of arrow is offset by the Staff being easier to obtain, as it is crafted from Meteorite Bars and regular Hallow enemy drops instead from being dropped by a Hallowed Mimic. The spawned meteors produce an explosion upon impact, similarly to Hellfire Arrows. The Meteor Staff can be considered a magic counterpart to the Daedalus Stormbow.If fired at the top of the map, the bow will only shoot one arrow at a time.This allows focusing down a strong enemy or cluster of enemies, or to shoot arrows to hit more spread out enemies. The closer the cursor is to the bottom of the screen, the more accurate the arrows are, and the closer it is to the top, the less accurate.Arrows fired by this bow cannot be retrieved they are always destroyed on impact.

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